
introIn this module, you will learn how various forms of IP either intersect or exclude each other. You will be introduced to the ways in which you can combine different types of IP protection for strategic advantage. We will see an example of a company that has leveraged its IP to distinguish itself and has also used jurisdictional differences to its competitive advantage.


  1. How do patents intersect with other forms of IP?
  2. How does copyright intersect with other forms of IP?
  3. How do industrial designs intersect with other forms of IP?
  4. How do trademarks intersect with other forms of IP?
  5. Case study of one company’s use of its various forms of IP to strategic advantage

Learning Outcomes

In this module, you will learn how to:

  1. Recognize the ways in which various forms of IP might be mutually exclusive.
  2. Identify the various combinations of IP that can be integrated into a comprehensive IP strategy.
  3. Describe the ways in which various forms of IP can be combined and what specific advantages and disadvantages each form of IP might provide.
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 12:39 PM